Youtube usher confessions part 1
Youtube usher confessions part 1


Confessions dropped just three months after Rolling Stone crowned former *NSYNC frontman Justin Timberlake their New King of Pop for siphoning Black music into his solo debut. Usher thrived between two very different eras of pop-the contemporary R&B rush of 2001 and the hybrid R&B of the 2010s, when Drake unleashed his inner lothario and assumed his role as the charts’ new lover boy.

youtube usher confessions part 1

Confessions sold a million copies in its first week at a time when illegal file-sharing had labels frantic over the fate of the industry. 1 hits and reaping the benefits of binding his love life to his music. Usher spent much of 2004 dethroning himself on the pop chart, earning four No. On Confessions, the stars align in Usher’s favor: He had a breakup to cope with and an album to make, and the dramatic backdrop gave him the most compelling work of his career.Īnd so the truth hardly mattered.

youtube usher confessions part 1

It’s a craft to turn reality into convenient truth, and it’s special when the material transcends the machine.


The ability to draft a persuasive narrative around a project is a skill music fans both scrutinize and take for granted, but the greatest pop stars-Janet Jackson, Taylor Swift, Drake-know how to master the art of packaging. He played up the cheating angle and the rumors and was seemingly forthright about the subject of his ex and because it worked, he copied that storytelling formula for his subsequent album releases, albeit with less moving results: For 2008’s Here I Stand, he milked his marriage to Tameka Foster for material, and then he made their divorce fodder for his 2010 album Raymond v. But to be worthy of the Michael Jackson-level prestige he coveted, Usher needed a man-in-the-mirror moment. Everyone in America knew the term “Yeah!” not just as an everyday affirmation but as a club smash. He had the catalog, choreography, angelic falsetto, and winning grin necessary to be a star. Usher understood that much of a great pop album is simply telling a good story. “Nobody knows who the fuck Billie Jean is.


“We wanted the media to ask us questions,” the producer told Vibe in 2014, comparing their artistic license to that of Michael Jackson. II,” a saga about creeping and getting another woman pregnant, was based on Dupri’s life, not Usher’s. The album’s most salacious track, “Confessions Pt. A decade later, executive producer Jermaine Dupri said the song was indeed about her but admitted Confessions wasn’t just Usher’s experience, rather a compilation of its male creators’ infractions, promoted as one man’s expunging of sins. He said he co-wrote the album’s core breakup ballad, “Burn,” while he and Chilli were still together. While it was true that he wasn’t entirely sold on marriage, he told Rolling Stone in 2004 that he did once buy Chilli a 10-karat diamond ring and proposed to her in the most R&B way: in the middle of sex. In constructing the narrative around Confessions, Usher omitted certain facts. I just had to put it in the right words that would make it fit for being Usher’s story.But the deception worked on multiple levels.

youtube usher confessions part 1

Those lyrics for part two were something that I had actually gone through in my life they were a reliving of a situation. There’s a part two to this story.’ And immediately, as soon as Usher said there’s a part two, my brain clicked and every word of “Confessions Part II” flew out of my mouth. This is crazy.’ And then Usher was like, ‘You can’t stop right there. “Once that version of “Confessions” was finished, Usher and myself was all like, ‘This is it. It’s a guy feeling bad about himself, about what he had been doing to the girl, so he just came out and told her,” Durpi said of the title track. In that song, I talked about how everything I’ve been doing is all bad. “When we did “Confessions,” we really had started with another song called “All Bad” and the “Confessions” part was in parentheses. In a previous interview with Billboard, one of the album’s main and pivotal producers, Jermaine Dupri, described how personal the project was to him given certain life experiences.

Youtube usher confessions part 1